Author: admin

The HEXican Will: The HEXperiment

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Since the inception of HEX in December of 2019, the animosity, hatred and the vehement opposition from the broader cryptocurrency community towards this project cannot be overstated. Influencers have shunned it, exchanges have gatekept it and communities have ostracized it into a quasi-crypto exile, as if HEX is the Napoleon of cryptocurrency.

We want Pulsechain network now!

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What is Pulsechain? Pulsechain is a blockchain network that aims at bailing out every Ethereum network user suffering from the crippling network fees, irrational gas cost increases, and continuous delays in network upgrades. Pulsechain will fork the entire Ethereum blockchain database and use a modified Geth network client with code upgraded for a delegated proof ….  Read More

Savers And Income Investors See High Returns As Banking’s 2nd Biggest Product Hits The Blockchain

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Investors Are Putting Dollars To Work Like Never Before And Yielding High Returns The purchasing power of the dollar has seen a precipitous decline year after year, but intelligent fund allocation means savings and investment dollars no longer need suffer. 2021 has seen the largest banks in the world — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, BNP ….  Read More

The Time Value of Money/Cryptocurrency … Solved.

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HEX: The next big cryptocurrency In 2016, I wanted to find the best opportunities to achieve a passive income from Cryptocurrency. I started working with Masternodes and most prominently the Cryptocurrency, DASH ( But after the Bitcoin Blow-off top of December 2017, I found it hard to make money for myself and my clients. I ….  Read More