Category: General

Ethereum Genesis Wallets of 700,000+ ETH Move Big Blocks Into DeFi Staking Product HEX, Chainalysis Reveals

0 commentsGeneralDecentralized FinanceDeFihex cryptostaking

When a DeFi staking product is well designed — audited and 100% on-chain — every address can be inspected. This means seeing who bought or sold, whether an address has stakes open, when those stakes expire, what other coins they hold — everything! It is even possible to see when big stakes are set to ….  Read More

Are you interested about the interest rate of HEX?

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Unlike in a traditional bank certificate of deposit, the interest rate in HEX is dynamic and truly impossible to predict on long term, because it depends on the behaviour of stakers. The official HEX contract frontend recently got included a chart showing daily interest per trillion shares (HEX per T-Share) over time. This historic ….  Read More