Welcome to the 5555 days club!
HEX is the only crypto that has on-chain provable staying power and a Staker class that has sovereignty over its monetary policy. Currently, the demand is use case driven, with not much traders messing with it. This has certain predictable consequences. For example, the Staker class can leverage its staked value with relatively small monetary …. Read More
Decentral banking with HEX
The complex game theory elements of HEX can give rise to use cases beyond the nominal use case of blockchain certificate of deposit that is encoded in the smart contract. Here is described a potential emerging use case that may be the most promising blockchain application for changing the world as we know it. The …. Read More
Ending a stake
I see quite some confusion among Hexicans on how to end a stake. One would expect this to be the easiest and most comprehensible contract function, yet it appears guidance is needed. Ending a stake is one of several aspects that makes the HEX blockchain certificate of deposit technically different from bank certificates of deposits …. Read More
Elementary hexonomics
This article describes the supply properties of HEX token and HEX shares. Distribution phase HEX smart contract launched on December 2nd 2019. The first problem of any new cryptocurrency is the distribution of tokens to future users. HEX opted for a similar mechanism that was previously successfully used for the distribution of EOS tokens. The …. Read More
Help me, I’m a blockchain newb!
I keep seing people buying cryptocurrencies without having the slightest clue of what these are, or what blockchain networks are, and what blockchain wallets do. This is a simple list of simple blockchain topics explained as simply as possible. If you are new to crypto, you should read carefully. Blockchain is a database that uses …. Read More
What is this BigPayDay hype all about?
Introduction to HEX HEX is a cryptocurrency issued by the HEX smart contract running on the Ethereum network (ERC-20 standard). The contract allows HEX to be the first blockchain certificate of deposit. This main use case is integrated in the immutable code of the contract that was audited twice for security and once for its …. Read More
Ethereum Genesis Wallets of 700,000+ ETH Move Big Blocks Into DeFi Staking Product HEX, Chainalysis Reveals
When a DeFi staking product is well designed — audited and 100% on-chain — every address can be inspected. This means seeing who bought or sold, whether an address has stakes open, when those stakes expire, what other coins they hold — everything! It is even possible to see when big stakes are set to …. Read More
Are you interested about the interest rate of HEX?
Unlike in a traditional bank certificate of deposit, the interest rate in HEX is dynamic and truly impossible to predict on long term, because it depends on the behaviour of stakers. The official HEX contract frontend go.hex.com recently got included a chart showing daily interest per trillion shares (HEX per T-Share) over time. This historic …. Read More
Stake it till you make it!
Cryptocurrencies are a weird thing. They are the fastest appreciating asset class, but nobody can honestly explain why is this so without resorting to narratives and speculative ideation. Their value creation is rarely connected with their use case, or with the proposed future use case. Many are incomplete projects that are far from ready for …. Read More
Shares are forever
There is a lot of mysticism surrounding HEX shares, mostly because few understand what these are, but some intuitively understand their importance. It is now obvious that HEX is not just a boring blockchain certificate of deposit. It has incentives based on game theory to motivate, or to prevent, specific behaviours. Shares are the crucial …. Read More