I see quite some confusion among Hexicans on how to end a stake. One would expect this to be the easiest and most comprehensible contract function, yet it appears guidance is needed. Ending a stake is one of several aspects that makes the HEX blockchain certificate of deposit technically different from bank certificates of deposits you may have used in the past.
Just like any interaction with the HEX smart contract, ending a stake is performed trough any of the several HEX contract frontends.

Smart contracts have no automatism
First of all, one needs to understand the basics on how blockchain technology and smart contracts work. What is most relevant here, is understanding that a smart contract is just code written on the blockchain. This code does nothing unless someone calls it using a blockchain network transaction. Therefore, the stake can’t end by itself. Someone needs to pay the Ethereum network miners a fee to run the code and reach consensus on the outcome.
In the HEX contract, there are two options on who can do this. The stake owner is the only one who can mint HEX by ending a stake at any point, either using the Emergency End Stake (EES) function when the stake is not yet mature, or the End Stake (ES) function when the stake is mature. Both functions are actually the same contract call. The difference is only in stake maturity. This call requires the same key that created the stake in the first place.
Meanwhile, anyone can run a Good Accounting (GA) contract call, as any ethereum network key can do that, however this function does not mint coins and only applies to mature stakes.
A mature stake will not accrue any more interest after the maturation day, regardless when and how it is concluded.
Emergency End Stake (EES)
Never break your contract obligations! This general rule is good for any contract you have ever signed in your life, but is particularly true for smart contracts, because these are self enforcing. The penalty for doing EES can be up to 100% of the stake, depending on how far the stake is from maturity, and how much interest it accrued in relation to the principal.
The EES function mimics the penalties one has to pay when breaking the legacy certificate of deposit contract at a bank. The difference is that the penalties for breaking the HEX contract early are extreme. However, at the end of the day, half of the penalty is credited to the staker class as interest, while the other half is minted into circulation trough the Origin Address. The immediate minting increases the inflation basis, thus again rewarding the staker class, but this indirect effect rewards also any new stakers, not just the ones staked on the day of EES.
As a rule of thumb, a stake can be 100% penalized (nuked) when the EES is performed on a short stake (less than 180 days), or in the first half of any stake length, or on a stake that received a huge interest in the first half of its length, such as the BPD bonus interest. For more details, consult The HEX Contract in Layman’s Terms, or the Hex.wiki website, or best of all, let the Staker.app calculate the penalty for you.
Sometimes using EES may actually be reasonable. A lot of Hexicans applied EES a few days before BigPayDay (BPD) to their stakes set to mature just after it. This way they paid a minimal penalty, but could restake longer just before BPD to receive more shares and thus a higher BPD bonus interest, as well as a higher interest in general due to a higher share ratio and longer staking.
Otherwise, EES is commonly performed by stakers who can’t handle the frustration from volatility, or from “fear, uncertainty and doubt” (FUD). When price pumps or dumps, or someone creates FUD, a lot of so called weak hands decide to EES, sometimes even nuking the stakes. In such periods, the interest can rise substantially. This makes HEX the first cryptocurrency that may be profitable during fast price depreciations.
EES is not available for autostaked HEX freeclaimed from a Bitcoin address.

End Stake (ES)
End stake (ES) is the proper way to conclude a stake. Once a stake matures, the stake owner has 14 days to conclude it without any penalties. Ending the stake can be done later too, but then late end stake penalty applies. Running ES burns HEX shares, and then mints the principal with the interest directly into the Ethereum network address that held the stake.
There is no custody in HEX, as one stakes and mints to the same address with its key: Do not lose your keys! No keys, no stake.
Good Accounting (GA)
There may be reasons one may want to mint HEX at some later time without paying the late end stake penalty. Good Accounting (GA) burns shares of a mature stake and thus prevents penalization. HEX can be minted any time later with the ES contract call.
This may be useful in some jurisdictions where minting coins is subject to taxation. It may be used for postponing the minting to the next taxation year.
But clearly the most useful aspect of GA is the ability to burn shares of any mature stake by anyone, not just the stake owner. This may be useful in some situations when the stake owner can’t get ahold of his key on time. The stake owner could also not have access to the network and can ask someone else to run GA for them.
GA is also useful to collect the late end stake penalties from expiring stakes (the backuphex.com HEX frontend offers an easy way to run GA on any expiring stake). For example, someone with a significant share ratio may be incentivized to run GA on expiring stakes on the day before their stakes mature in order to collect their share of penalties. Even though a network fee needs to be paid, it is certainly quite profitable for HEX sharks and whales to do so.
Late end stake penalty
All active stakes have HEX shares assigned to them. Shares are a crucial element of HEX fundamentals, as all interest is based on them. They literally are shares of the staking system in the sense that all interest is credited daily to a stake based solely on its share ratio (the ratio between the shares in a stake and the total shares in the system).
When a new stake is launched, the contract burns the staked HEX (principal) and at the same time creates shares to be locked in the stake. These shares are then burned when either ES, EES, or GA is applied. This is very important for the staker class, because due to lack of automatism, a mature stake still holds its shares embezzled. While shares in a mature stake do not accrue interest anymore, they reduce the share ratio of every other stake in the system by keeping the total shares inflated.
To prevent stakers from embezzling shares and reducing interest to other stakers by not ending a stake when they signed they would, the contract enforces a late endstake penalty. After two weeks of grace period, a penalty is applied that causes the expiring stake to bleed for 1% each week (0.143% per day). This means that after 2 years the penalty takes the entire stake. This penalty is only distributed once the stake owner runs ES, or anyone runs GA on it. Similarly to EES, half of late end stake penalty is then distributed to the staker class, while the other half is immediately minted in circulation trough the Origin Address.
Network fees
Ending a stake by any method requires significantly more gas than creating one, as it is much more computationally intensive. Miners need to calculate the accrued interest for each day up to maturation. Consequently, the longer the stake, the more gas is consumed to conclude it.

(Edit: Unfortunately, the above equation is not valid anymore since the Ethereum foundation increased the gas costs with the Berlin fork. The new equation is: gas_consumption = 2310 × days_staked + 53694)
The HEX contract runs on the Ethereum network which is still in development and thus not yet scalable on its base level. This means it has periods of high congestion, particularly when crypto markets are in bull run. Gas price is auction based, which means the users will offer higher gas fees in times of congestion, because miners prioritize transactions with higher fees.
A staker has two weeks to end a stake, so generally there is no particular hurry to end the stake immediately. The network fee can therefore be reduced by using a lower gas price and letting the transaction pend for a day or more. Because the network congestion varies strongly from hour to hour, it easily happens that an ES transaction gets approved overnight even at the lowest gas price. In case your transaction does not get approved in time, you will have to speed it up.
You can use the gas information on hex.vision to estimate the lowest still functional gas price. Edit the gas price before approving the transaction and increase the gas limit by at least 10% in order to prevent the “out of gas error”. The unused gas is returned to you anyway, but the transaction will fail when the gas limit is set lower than what is needed. Nevertheless, the miners will take the fee for the computation they performed before running out of gas.

By @Benzenoid
Disclaimer: None of the above is meant to be a financial advice. Never rely on a single source of information and do your own research before any investment. Don’t trust, verify!
If you found any of the above useful and want to give a tip, please use the Ethereum address: 0x4BaE10B7B20A4f92670f03474dbDD6716D2C143f
51 Replies to “Ending a stake”
hey there. I staked a bunch of HEX in the 3 weeks before the BPD in November 2020. my stakes varied from 12 months up to 6 years in length. With (considerable sized stakes) at 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 years respectively. The stakes at 1, 2 & 3 years when they naturally End Stake – I’d love to re-stake them for longer – although I’m confused by this, what it means, is it too late ? I think I can keep the interest & restake the principal again ?. Is that true. although I’m still confused how this works and if I stuffed it up back in November 2020 ?? etc etc. would love some help and clarity from any hexicans out there. thank you so much. ))
Hi James!
After your stakes mature and you mint your coins, you can do with them whatever you want: sell, hodl, and/or stake. You can stake part of them and sell the rest, for example. I also have some stakes that will mature next year and plan to restake them, though I may sell some of the interest, if HEX will be overbought. Otherwise, I will keep restaking until use case adoption is achieved.
I suggest you use Staker.app to monitor your stakes. It is an amazing app created by two community members that allows monitoring stakes, contract and market info, and it also calculates the penalties. If you have specific questions, I recommend the @HEXcrypto group on Telegram, where you can always find hexperts willing to help (just block anyone that direct messages you, or groups you get added to – Telegram abounds with scammers).
My stake ended recently. Do you have to pay ETH/Gas fees to end the stake, in order to restake?
Every transaction on the Ethereum network needs to be paid a fee. Ether (ETH) is the network utility token of Ethereum (the currency used for paying fees). And yes, the only way to restake is to endstake first.
Unfortunately, the Ethereum network is chronically congested due to the lack of its technological advance and increasing adoption due to the crypto bull run. What used to cost a couple of cents, can now cost hundreds of USD in fees. It is insane. For this reason, Pulsechain.com network will launch in a couple of months and fork the entire Ethereum blockchain, making the use of HEX immensely cheaper. The fees will be in the range of a cent. Hopefully, this will also reduce the load on Ethereum, and reduce the fees there as well.
Hi man,
How do I go about good accounting for my son, he is away at work, and he forgot to bring his PC along. I cant reach his PC either.
Hi Anders, the simplest way is to use the backuphex.com frontend which gives you the option to do Good accounting for any address. Find your son’s address among the late stakes and run the contract call.
Hi Hexicans. Now that I am ending the first stakes, there is a little confusion at my end.
The Gas fee is very high on smaller stakes. EG an end stake of about 10,000 Hex is about $10.
But to end one about 30,000 Hex is about $6.
Am I missing something?
Please point me towards a guide on ending stakes or smart accounting if there is one.
Hi Mike, please read the above chapter about fees.
what is the total amount hex ? how is hex printed ?
HEX minting is done the same way as BTC or fiat money (different technology, but same concept). The difference is in who does the minting. In HEX the minting is done by the staker class (in BTC the minting is done by bitcoin miners; in fiat the minting is done by the banks licensed by a central bank). Another lesser difference is that in BTC the circulating supply is inflationary for the next century, while HEX can be inflationary or deflationary (as the staker class decides). For comparison between fiat monetary policy and HEX, see also https://hexicans.info/decentral
For HEX tokenomics, see https://hexicans.info/hexonomics
Hi Benzenoid,
Thank you for the detailed info. Where did you get the data for that chart titled “End Stake Gas Cost by Served Days”? If that linear trend continues it is quite concerning to me, because for a 15-year stake (5,478 days) the gas cost would end up being 5,767,972. If a 15-year stake ended today (February 7, 2021) with a conservative low gas price of about 100 GWEI, it comes out to about 0.57 ETH. Based on today’s conversion rates that’s about $900 USD or 92,000 HEX. In other words, if your principal stake plus interest is less than 92k HEX, you’ll have a net loss.
I know we’re currently in a bull crypto market so gas prices are particularly high. Gas prices were about 10x less a year ago. If we return to that then the above estimates to end a 15-year stake would be much more reasonable. But since you only have 2 weeks to end a stake before being penalized, you can’t wait too long for gas prices to change. If your stake ends in the middle of a bull run then you’re kinda screwed.
That graph was made by Firebun, one of the two developers of the Staker app. He took actual on-chain data and used them for the linear regression, so it is as accurate as it gets.
I wouldn’t worry about fees in stakes longer than 3 years. If Ethereum network scalability will not be solved by then, then the HEX community would be forced to migrate the contract state to another network. To be avoided, but may be unavoidable. But more realistically, the scalability will be solved by Ethereum 2.0 and the gas price of 1 gwei should work just fine. At 1 gwei even 5555 days stakes will not be expensive to end. Meanwhile, ending stakes during the bull market of 2021 will continue to be expensive. It is particularly painful, because in the beginning of 2020 a gas price of as low as 1 gwei could get trough, so people didn’t consider the risk of making small stakes.
The lesson learned is to only create stakes of size and length comparable to the real world certificates of deposit that one would buy in a bank.
9 months later, and you just outlined my exact problem. I started staking my Hex back in May 2020, and for some reason it’s several small stakes instead of one large one. I honestly don’t remember why (they all expired a few days ago). It’s currently costing me an estimated $650 – $900 to end each stake. At 20 different stakes, I’m looking at $13k minimum in gas fees to end stakes for a total of 53,800 Hex. So the gas costs more than the entire value of the Hex. Not to mention I don’t have anywhere close to that much Eth anyway. What are my options here? The stakes expired Nov 3. Pls help!
My eth address: 0x653F50de01b81389D7961888b80ba1b22e4392Dc
It appears you had freeclaimed a bunch of BTC addresses and set the staking length the same for all. Unfortunately, those freeclaims were small amounts and Ethereum became disfunctional inbetween. We are all suffering from this. I also let go a few small stakes due to insane network fees.
At least you will be able to profitably endstake the forks of those stakes on Pulsechain where the network fees will be almost nonexistant initially.
I’m very new and am trying to figure a few things out. I needed to end my stake. I originally staked through MetaMask to go.hex.com. Once I ended the stake, from what I understand it should go back to the same address used to stake, but I am not seeing it show back up. I see the transaction on Etherscan from the tokens going to the right address I sent from, but I do not see the HEX in the account. It shows the amount of tokens in the transaction but nothing in my account.
In HEX, staking doesn’t involve counterparties and custody which means that your staking data is all on your staking address. Consequently, end stake contract calls mint HEX directly to your address after it burns the shares. If you don’t see the coins in your wallet, then the most common problem is not having added the token visibility (in Metamask you use the add token function). Another possibility is that you nuked your stake. If you break your contract obligations, you get penalized. If you break it real bad, like emergency end staking a fresh stake, the penalty can be 100% of the stake. In this case you don’t mint the coins to your address, but you redistribute them instead.
If you want someone to analyse the transaction, you can ask in the @HEXcrypto Telegram group. There are always helpful people there, but block&report anyone that direct messages you (if you are new to Telegram, you should know that only scammers direct message people – only seek support in publicly reviewed chats!).
Hi I need some help to understand what happened! I unfortunately decided to end my stake a few months ago. I thought I was doing everything accordingly to get my money back ( penalties included). But once I’ve finished the transaction it’s showing on Etherscan that still needs more than 11 millions of confirmations… So now I don’t know if I was totally penalised and I lost my entire HEX or if is just a matter of waiting for +3 years to get the transaction confirmation due the extreme low Gas fee that was set when I ended the stake ( my newbie mistake to not check properly the Gas fees )… If you could help me on that… I know I made a huge mistake to end my stake of 5 years in less than 30 days but anyway I don’t know where am I now… Maybe I lost everything but I really don’t know! Thanks for your support! Nice blog great stuff here!
Hi Illustrader. I suggest you ask someone to check your transaction on etherscan. Try in the Telegram group https://t.me/HEXcrypto (block&report any direct messages in Telegram!).
However, if you emergency endstaked a 5 year deposit after just 30 days, then it is likely you nuked it all. That is one insane breakage of the contract obligation – I’m pretty sure this is 100% penalized.
Highly unlikely, but you may have been lucky and you underbid the gas price and the transaction is still pending. Check etherscan and if this is the case you need to cancel it immediately.
You should never sign contract obligations you know you can’t hold, no matter if it is paper or blockchain contract. A blockchain contract is self-enforcing, so even much worse, as you immediately punish yourself by breaking it. There’s no way to game it like you can game a paper contract. Keep in mind you can enjoy the price appreciation of HEX without staking – you don’t get any interest, but at least you are safe from penalizing yourself.
Hi there,
Apologies if this is not the best place to post this, but I’m quite desperate. Still, if there is a better place to post this, could you please tell me so? Thank you.
I’ve lost my secret phrase from my metamask account…. and I’ve lost access to my stake in the hex platform. Is there any other possible way to access such staking, such platform, and hence retrieve my staked coins by sending them to any other interface?
Any help will be more than welcomed.
Thanks and, again, apologies if this is not the right place for this post.
Hi Ferran
When one loses the seed phrase (secret phrase) and the keys themselves, that means one lost access to the address on the blockchain database. In other words, the crypto on that address is lost for everyone for ever. See https://hexicans.info/help
There is no “HEX platform” – staking in HEX is trustless which means that you burn the coins and you mint the coins using your keys. Unfortunatelly for you in this case, there’s no counterparty in HEX – by design. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, but make sure you searched well for your paper wallet. I find it hard one can just lose something so important. Hopefully you find it one day.
Hi there, I ended a hex stake last night.
My Metamask wallet was linked.
I ended the stake but still haven’t received my hex into my MM wallet. Is this normal? I can see the transaction on etherscan. Any thoughts?
Hi Dylan
If you can see the transaction on etherscan, then your coins are in your address. However, Metamask has this annoying feature that one needs to “Add token” to make a particular token visible.
I have a similar problem. But when I try to add token nothing happens, meaning I still don’t see my unstaked Hex in my MM wallet. Did I lose it all?
I suggest you check etherscan.io
Thank you for a very informative article. I just staked for the 3rd time. You write about ‘needing to access your key’. I was not aware that I needed to keep track of my keys. Gosh, I hope I have not screwed up.
Hi Don
Crypto is all about holding your keys. Read https://hexicans.info/help to understand the basics. This may save you from losing your money.
Is it possible to relink my hex staking if I believe my MetaMask has been hacked?
Could I recreate a MetaMask account and link my hex stake to it?
Hi Dermot
If by Metamask being hacked, you mean you got your seed phrase or keys compromised, there’s nothing that can be done to reverse that. The reason is in that seed phrase = set of keys = your crypto. Read https://hexicans.info/help to understand why.
I suggest you join @HEXsecurity at Telegram and ask the expert members there to provide you a strategy on how to deal with it. All is not necessarily lost. On Telegram you need to block&report anyone that direct messages you – only communicate under public supervision (general rule for all social media when it comes to crypto).
Is the formula for calculating end stake gas fees “1039 x # of days staked + 75,551 = gas used”
Do we know how often the SLOAD function is called during an end stake? Is it once per day? The above formula appears to be an estimate based on a number of end stakes but i wonder if there is a more precise method.
Hi Crypto Crazy
Unfortunatelly, that equation was made invalid by the Berlin fork. I was working on an update to address the new gas consumption after the SLOAD gas cost was increased, but then never finished being busy with life and stuff. Meanwhile, just the short answer:
The new post-Berlin equation is gas_consumption = 2310 × days_staked + 53694
The SLOAD function is called once per every staked day (the contract iterates the interest equation trough the entire staking period).
The only more precise method would be to run the contract code itself, but the linear regression of executed endstake transactions is actually pretty much as precise as it can get.
I have a few questions as I’m so new to this. 1. I very unfortunately need to end my stake early. I staked for 4 years but am 209 days into my stake. Based on the Staker App that basically means I lose about 30% of my investment. When calculated on the hexdata.com it tells me I have a 0% ROI. Is the Staker app calculator accurate ? 2. What’s the process of ending my stake early as I don’t quite understand how to do this nor have I been able to hunt down any useful tutorials that take me through the process ? 3. Once I have ended my stake how do I convert this to cash ? Would appreciate any support you can provide. Thank you.
Hi Kelly
1.) Staker.app uses the same penalty equation as it is in the contract code, so it is reliable.
2.) Emergency endstake is the same contract call as normal endstake call. Depending on the frontend you use, you will get a warning that basically tells you are about to break your contract obligation and you should be aware of the consequences before you proceed.
3.) You convert your assets to other assets, such as fiat money, by swapping assets on the market. For example, you can sell your HEX to USDC via DEXes and then USDC to USD, EUR or other fiat money, by using CEXes. In short, it is the reverse path of what you already used.
If I choose “Good Accounting” to postpone minting my stake ’til the new year and the value of hex goes up in the interim… Will my coin value be locked in to the day that my stake ended? or will I mint the coins at the value of the market on the day that I “End Stake”?
Hi Emily
Value, or rather price, is determined by the market. It changes over time and has nothing to do with the minting operation – minting is a blockchain event, not a market event. The price is relevant only at the moment of buying or selling the asset. What happens with the price in between is irreverent to your return on investment.
Hey all,
I wanted to end my stake and put in a low gas fee in metamask.
It has been running all night and it didn’t go through.
I didn’t know if cancelling would also take all those gas fees when shown in the cancel window – which wouldn’t make sense for me – so I searched what to do to cancel a Metamask transaction>
I was told to reset Metamask. I did that, tried ending the stake again – but it is pending, saying the other first stake – which isn’t shown in Metamask anymore – is still valid. So I can’t end my stake, can’t cancel the first stake ending – and am now at a loss – since the Hex Staking website doesn’tt allow me to end my stake now.
Any suggestions on how I can solve this issue?
What you have is a situation where no transaction with higher nonce can be taken by miners unless the pending one with a lower nonce gets approved. This is not really HEX related, but an Ethereum network rule (actually it is a common rule for many networks).
The way to resolve a pending transaction situation is to send another transaction with the same nonce number, but at least 10% higher gas fee. This is exemplified by the canceling transaction function in wallets, where the wallet sends a transaction with the same nonce (generally it is a 0 ETH transfer transaction, as that only costs 21k gas, so it is cheap).
If you ever encounter this situation again, the easy solution is to send a new transaction, but manually setting the nonce number to be the same as the nonce of the pending transaction (you can get that info on etherscan.io). Make sure you make the bid for the gas price at least 10% higher. By default, Metamask doesn’t allow you to manually change the nonce number, so you need to change this in Settings.
Got great help from the German speaking HEX Telegram group.
I was helped to see my pending transactions on Etherscan. Then I was suggested on how to set the parameters for a renewed End Stake process with values that replaced the former End Stake process by using more gwei units and a higher gas fee limit.
Absolutely wonderful and helpful community. One of the moderators guided me through the process.
KUDOS to the HEX community.
Hi Monamtb, which Hex Telegram group you used?
You can see the list of Telegram groups for various languages or regions in https://hexicans.info/hex-social-media/
I ended my stake late and can see I’ve been losing HEX coins after the 14 day period after stake end date. I tried To unstake and take out my coins and hit good accounting and paid the gas fee but my hex coins aren’t in my metamask wallet and hex.com is asking me to pay another gas fee to unstake? Why did I pay a gas fee for good account and can’t take my coins out without having to pay another fee? Confused.
I don’t know the reason why you good-accounted your stake instead of ending it, but now what’s done is done. You will have to mint your HEX at some point. The good thing about it is that you can do that whenever in the future, so better wait for the fees to calm down.
Given my stake term ended a little over a year ago, and I haven’t unstaked I’m guessing that the penalties for a late unstake will pretty much eat my stack. At the time of the stake term ending the gas fees on ETH were more than what the value of the HEX was, and today… Well… The gas fees are simply crazy. So, I’m guessing that due to the functionality of the (not so) smart contract (given the values) that by the time gas fees come down to a point where it’s even close to a break even, I’m pretty much done – all gone anyway.
I don’t want to sound pessimistic about this, but it seems very much like it has been an activity towards a zero sum.
I also have a couple of such stakes that I just left bleeding due to the insane Ethereum fees. While the contract is designed to be extremely gas efficient in regard to the operations it does, this does not help after the Ethereum foundation arbitrarily increased the gas cost of the blockchain read operation by 12x in 2 years, and the price of gas increased a few 100x due to the network congestion (combined together that increased fees by over 1000x!). Given that the Ethereum foundation doesn’t appear to be doing much to solve the issue, and is actually making it worse, there are only two viable solutions: a bear market and/or the Pulsechain option.
The bear market option would de-congest the network, making the gas price dump back down to 1-5 gwei. The Pulsechain.com option would provide us with a fork of HEX on a cheap and fast network, which in turn would reduce the network congestion on Ethereum network, thus saving also the HEX stakes on Ethereum.
Great article! However, the constants in the gas_consumption formula are still a mystery to me. Can you explain what those constants (2310 and 53694) are?
They are just constants from the linear regression. There’s no other deeper meaning to them. The linear regression is done using actual samples of gas consumption taken from the blockchain.
Hi Hexicans, I have a little issue. Two stakes ended and as I click on “End stake” happens nothing … the small wheel rolls and rolls and that’s it. I’ve read that maybe the transaction is stuck, but unfortunately I don’t get any valid ID of it … I know that if I have it, together with the nonce, I could eventually unstuck it … but is not the case …
Does anyone have any idea what’s the problem? (Blind signing is activated)
Thanks! I appreciate your help.
Hi Pedro
When the wheel rolls, it means the transaction has been submitted. As always when in doubt, you need to check etherscan.io to see what is going on with your blockchain account. It could be that the transaction is still pending due to the network congestion and/or low gas price bid. It could also be that you have a stuck transaction with a lower nonce that is preventing any subsequent transaction from passing trough approval. In such case you need to bypass the stuck transaction by either canceling it or overriding it with another one (using same nonce).
Hi, just want to ask, if my wallet have been hacked and I have some Hex staked. Is there any way to redirect the wallet address to my new wallet ? Given a high scam / hack activity in the crypto world, the Hex product given it allows staking for such a long period, should really consider an option for owner a way to change their address in case of a scam or wallet seed phrases have been compromised.
HEX stakes are on-chain and linked to your address. If the keys to your address is compromised, then all assets in the address are compromised. The difference between stakes and most other assets (such as ERC-20 or ERC-721 tokens) is that stakes on the HEX contract cannot be transferred. That’s why it is important to use a hardware wallet and understand how blockchain works: https://hexicans.info/help
With HEX you could create HSI stakes using the Hedron contract. This allows you to tokenise your HSI stakes in case of compromised keys and just transfer ownership by transferring the resulting ERC-721 token before the thief does it: https://hexicans.info/altcoin
But understanding and taking security seriously is way better.
Hi, do you think the ending stake process on the etherum network will improve in the future say 5 years from now as it currently far too long to end a stack!
It all depends on the Ethereum foundation doing its job in developing Ethereum. Up to now, they weren’t as efficient as we the users of the network would want. See https://hexicans.info/fees
We still hope progress will be made in the next few years. The major obstacle are the Ethereum miners and the unwillingness of the Ethereum foundation to radically cut the umbilical cord regardless if the network splits in two parts (this is a very sensitive topic due to a large number of centralized services on Ethereum, in particular the stablecoin issue).
For this reason the Hexican community decided to do what the Ethereum foundation cannot afford to do in their place: https://hexicans.info/Pulsechain