We have a few artistically talented Hexicans that created HEX related music in the last year. It all started with amazing short songifications of Richard Heart’s interviews by Post Polar, our most productive member.
At that time, another musician, Eyqualle, also created a humorous rhythmic piece with excerpts from Richard’s video streams:
In October 2020, BTC Upload posted a rap song about the BigPayDay:
A cover version with drums was already created by a jjamesdrumss:
In November 2020, a real rap masterpiece was created by FreddieQuotes that was immediately adopted for its intended use case of being a Hexican anthem:
Cryptygirl, a young crypto enthusiast made a thank you rap for a huge HEX donation by our most famous whale Skicat:
Her rap was immediately remixed into a catchy tune by 2 Negative:
The latest artist to join the Hexican musical gang is Corey An Investor:
And if you want the singer-songwriter description of what HEX is, there Fiona singing it for you:
Which one you like the most? Comment below, and please encourage the authors to make more music by donating to their Ehtereum addresses below: